PBIViz CLI Control
This Visual Studio Code extension adds the option to directly interact with the PowerBI Visual tools (pbiviz) for developing Power BI Custom Visuals without leaving Visual Studio Code.
Add 'build-in' support for pbiviz in Visual Studio Code.
- Start pbiviz and load the Power BI Custom Visual [(]Ctrl+F8]
- Restart pbiviz and reload the new Power BI Custom Visual code [Ctrl+Shift+F8]
- Stop pbiviz [Ctrl+F9]
- Package Power BI Custom Visual [Ctrl+Shift+B]
- Update Power BI Custom Visual API
The PowerBI Visual Tools (pbiviz) should be installed before this extension can be used. See the Power BI Visual Tools Readme for more information on how to install the tools.
Known issues
An stack trace is shown in the output if pbiviz is started the second time: I have not yet found a good way to determine if pbiviz is running and it cannot be started multiple times.
If you have any comment related to the documentation, like corrections, unclear features or missing documentation, feel free to leave feedback below via GitHub. Or correct it yourself and submit a PR; see CONTRIBUTING.md for more details. GitHub account required.