Power BI Box and Whisker chart
A box and whisker chart shows basic statistical information (five-number summary) of a dataset: the 1st and 3rd quartile (box), the median (line), the mean (dot) and dependent of the type either the minimum and maximum value or the 1.5x interquartile range [IQR] (whiskers).
See here for an example if the embedded version is not working.
Data Fields
The Box and Whisker chart needs data is a specific way.
Category - This field contains the categories. For each ( unique) category a different chart is drawn.
- Sampling - All these fields are being used to 'sample' the dataset or 'creates rows'.
- Values - The values field contains a numeric value to calculate the statistic values needed for the charts.
Chart options
The box and whisker chart has chart option to influence the chart.
Quartile calculation
In general there are two ways of calculating the quartiles of a dataset.
Inclusive - When calculation the 1st and 3rd quartile, the median is included in the calculation. Equivalent of the Excel calculation
- Exclusive - When calculation the 1st and 3rd quartile, the median is excluded in the calculation. Equivalent of the Excel calculation
Whisker Type
This chart support four different types of whiskers
- Min/Max - The whiskers represent the minimum and maximum values of the dataset
- < 1.5 IQR - The top and bottom whiskers are set to the highest/lowest value of the dataset that are included in the 1.5IQR range.
- = 1.5IQR - The top and bottom whiskers are set to 1.5IQR of the dataset.
- Custom - The whiskers can be set to a custom percentile value based on the dataset. The lower value is bound to the lower percentile possible and 25%. And the same is for the higher value, but then from 75% and up to the highest percentile value possible.
Option to enable is outliers should be visible, when available. This option is not available when the whisker type is set to Min/Max
Chart Margin
Option to set the margin between the different charts. Is ignored when data labels are enabled.
There are several options to change the default X-axis
On/Off - Enable the X-Axis
- Color - Color used for the axis labels
- Text size - Text size used for the axis labels
- Fort family - Dropdown that contains different fonts that is being used for the axis labels
- Show title - Option to show or hide a axis title
- Title - The text being show as title. If none is provided the name of the Values is being used.
- Title Color - Color of the title
- Title Text Size - Text size of the title
- Title Font Family - Dropdown that contains different fonts that is being used for the title
- Title Alignment - Alignment of the title related to the axis.
There are several options to change the default Y-axis
On/Off - Enable the Y-Axis
- Start - A custom start value for the axis. Cannot be higher that the automatic calculated minimum.
- End - A custom end value for the axis. Cannot be lower that the automatic calculated maximum.
- Color - Color used for the axis labels
- Text size - Text size used for the axis labels
- Font family - Dropdown that contains different fonts that is being used for the axis labels
- Display Units - Option to change the unit shown after the axis labels
- Value Decimals - Option to alter the amount of decimals used by the axis labels
- Show title - Option to show or hide a axis title
- Title - The text being show as title. If none is provided the name of the Values is being used.
- Title Color - Color of the title
- Title Text Size - Text size of the title
- Title Font Family - Dropdown that contains different fonts that is being used for the title
- Title Alignment - Alignment of the title related to the axis. Here left is at the start of the axis and right is the end.
Data Color
The chart can be altered by using different colors for different elements.
Mean Color - The color used by the mean dot for every chart
- Median Color - The color used by the median line for every chart
- One Color - Option to change the category coloring and enables a one color for every category. If enabled, the first category color is used for all categories and can be changed.
- Categories Color - Per category a different color is being used based of the default values of the theme. Each individual color can be changed.
Data Labels
Option to alter he default data labels.
On/Off - Enable data labels
- Color - Color used for the data labels
- Text size - Text size used for the data labels
- Font family - Dropdown that contains different fonts that is being used for the data labels
- Display Units - Option to change the unit shown after the data labels
- Value Decimals - Option to alter the amount of decimals used by the data labels
Option to show or hide the mean dot and median line.
There are different option to change the gridlines.
On/Off - Enable (major) gridlines
- Thickness - Line thickness of the major gridlines
- Color - Color of the major gridlines
- Minor gridlines - Enable minor gridlines
- Thickness - Line thickness of the minor gridlines
- Color - Color of the minor gridlines
Reference lines
With this version it is possible to add different reference lines to the chart.
Name - Name of the reference line
- Add - Add additional reference lines
- Value - The value of the reference line
- Color - Color of the reference line
- Transparency - Set the transparency of the reference line
- Style - Three different style are available for reference lines: Dashed, dotted and solid
- Position - Option to show the reference line In front of the charts of behind
- Data Label - Enable a data label of the reference line
Reference line label
Color - Color of the label
- Label Text Size - Text size used for the label
- Label Font Family - Dropdown that contains different fonts that is being used for the label
- Text - Either choose to display the value, name or both as label
- Display Units - Option to change the unit shown after the label
- Value Decimals - Option to alter the amount of decimals used by the label
- Horizontal Position - Choose the horizontal position (Left or Right) related to the reference line
- Vertical Position - Choose the vertical position (Above or Under) related to the reference line
See for the list of changes here.
If you have any comment related to the documentation, like corrections, unclear features or missing documentation, feel free to leave feedback below via GitHub. Or correct it yourself and submit a PR; see CONTRIBUTING.md for more details. GitHub account required.
Issues with web version - is not showing any data in Power Bi Web
Background color issue
Hi all,
Two weeks ago the visual was working properly, when going to effect and choosing the background to 100% all the visual was working (image in attach).
But today I open the file and for some reason when I choose the background color or to be 100% transparent, it only changes around the visual like the blue color in the attached file, and the middle stays always white.
Please let me know how to fix this? We will launch something in production in the next few weeks and we want to see if we can use this visual.
Y-Axe shows duration time in [h]:mm, where sampling values are in minutes
Start issue here
Box and Whisker chart
is it possible to show the duration time on the y-axe in format “[h]:mm”. The sampling values are in minutes.
Kind regards
What is max number of obsevations for each category or max overall. Chart showing error warnings on top stating its a smaller sample size rather than whole population. Is there anyway to fix
Start issue here
Data labels overlap
Hi there, when creating a relatively small visual, the data labels overlap and it is not possible to change the font size or family (I mean, it's possible, but it has no effect). Also, the lowest data label is hidden under the axis.
PowerBI Desktop version: 2.126.927.0 64-bit
Box and Whisker chart version: 2.5.3
Categories displacing when vertical and value axis negative
Hi there
When the y-axis contains negative values and I set the categories to read vertically the category text displaces so it is displayed underneath the box two boxes over.
For some data sets I can get around this by setting the value axis to start at zero, but unsure how to solve this when negative values need to be displayed.Help with this appreciated